REGISTER Register early! Workshop space is limited, and Paris hotel accommodations can fill quickly.To reserve a place, you must send a $400 enrollment fee, which will be applied to your full tuition. The enrollment fee is refundable only if the applicant is not accepted to the workshops or if a session is canceled. Full payment is required 250 days before the beginning of the session. You can pay friend to friend to me on Venmo, or  mail a personal check to me in Chicago.  To use your credit card, scroll to the bottom to use the link for PayPal and add PayPal’s 3% service fee.

Make checks payable to Paris Cafe Writing and mail to

Patricia Tennison
Paris Cafe Writing
2020 N. Lincoln Park West, Unit 27K
Chicago, IL 60614

Here are the most common payment choices for 2024:

(1.) $1,700, full tuition, including deposit

(2.) $400 deposit; followed by $1,300 remaining tuition

For questions, contact Patricia Tennison at or telephone 773-744-7093.

(If you don’t get an answer from a phone call within 48 hours, we may be in Paris or traveling elsewhere. Please email or write.)

Paris Cafe Writing Registration Form

To register, read the registration information on this page, and then fill out and submit this form.

After submitting your form, please select a payment method and pay at least the $400 deposit.



Terms & Conditions

By registering with Paris Café Writing, you agree with these terms and conditions:

Registration and Fee Liability

Deposits are non-refundable. Full tuition payment is due 250 days prior to the start of the program, unless otherwise stated. Participants who have not paid the full tuition by its due date may lose their space in the program. No refunds will be granted after the full tuition due date. Paris Café Writing reserves the right to decline to accept or retain participants as members of the group at its sole discretion. Program itineraries, such as session dates, schedules, meeting places, specific restaurants, entertainment, instructors, and costs, although provided in good faith based on information available, are subject to change and revision. In the event that a program is canceled in its entirety by Paris Café Writing, a full tuition refund will be granted.


Deposits are nonrefundable. If you cancel your enrollment 249 days or less before the program begins, no refund or transfer credit will be given. In the event that a session is canceled, Paris Café Writing shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by registrants, including but not limited to travel and personal expenses.

Notification Address

Patricia Tennison
Paris Café Writing
2020 N. Lincoln Park West, Unit #27K
Chicago, IL 60614

Limitation of Liability

Paris Café Writing assumes no responsibility or liability in connection with hotel or apartment housing. Paris Café Writing accepts no responsibility for loss of tickets, loss of personal articles or effects, nor for personal accidents, injury, or death due to participant’s participation in the workshop session.

Trip Cancellation Insurance

To help insure your peace of mind and protect your investment in Paris Café Writing, trip cancellation insurance is recommended. Remember, your deposit and eventually your full payment are non-refundable. Readily available programs offer a wide degree of protection at competitive costs. Please go to for program and pricing options. We suggest you purchase comprehensive travel insurance to cover medical and dental emergencies, missed connections, lost baggage, and trip cancellation if you or a family member have a medical problem that keeps you from attending. Paris Café Writing is not responsible for cancellations due to medical emergencies or reimbursement of airline tickets in the event of a session cancellation.


For payments, you may mail a personal check to me in Chicago, or use Venmo, or use the menu below for PayPal.
You do not need a Paypal account to pay by credit card. The link will allow you to charge to your credit card. However, you will need to pay PayPal’s 3% service charge.


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